

Paper List:

Paper with code:


  1. Making an Invisibility Cloak: Real World Adversarial Attacks on Object Detectors

  2. Adversarial T-shirt! Evading Person Detectors in A Physical World

  3. Bias-based Universal Adversarial Patch Attack for Automatic Check-out (基于偏好的通用对抗补丁,受启发自DNN训练偏好于提取texture特征而非shape特征)

  4. Design and Interpretation of Universal Adversarial Patches in Face Detection (朱军组, 针对人脸识别系统的通用对抗补丁)

  5. APRICOT: A Dataset of Physical Adversarial Attacks on Object Detection


  1. Improved Adversarial Training via Learned Optimizer

  2. Gabor Layers Enhance Network Robustness

  3. Anti-Bandit Neural Architecture Search for Model Defense (用神经架构搜索(NAS)来做模型防御,新技术的结合)

  4. Adversarial Robustness on In- and Out-Distribution Improves Explainability

  5. Improving Adversarial Robustness by Enforcing Local and Global Compactness

  6. Defense Against Adversarial Attacks via Controlling Gradient Leaking on Embedded Manifolds (朱军组)

  7. Inherent Adversarial Robustness of Deep Spiking Neural Networks: Effects of Discrete Input Encoding and Non-Linear Activations


  1. Regional Homogeneity: Towards Learning Transferable Universal Adversarial Perturbations Against Defenses (局部区域均匀扰动)

  2. Boosting Decision-based Black-box Adversarial Attacks with Random Sign Flip (通过符号翻转来实现简单有效的基于决策的黑盒攻击的方法。优化过程中通过引入新的随机符号翻转步骤来搜索更好的对抗扰动)

  3. Yet Another Intermediate-Level Attack

  4. Square Attack: a query-efficient black-box adversarial attack via random search

  5. Improving Query Efficiency of Black-box Adversarial Attack(提高黑盒攻击的查询效率)


  1. AdvPC: Transferable Adversarial Perturbations on 3D Point Clouds(3D点云上的对抗扰动)

  2. Adversarial Ranking Attack and Defense (对深度排名系统的攻防研究)

  3. Open-set Adversarial Defense

  4. Robust Tracking against Adversarial Attacks (针对视频帧序列的对抗攻击)

  5. SPARK: Spatial-aware Online Incremental Attack Against Visual Tracking

  6. Manifold Projection for Adversarial Defense on Face Recognition

杜洋 我欲因之梦吴越,一夜飞渡镜湖月。